"3V Progetti" firm is a competent technical studio that has been running a design business in the automobile field since 1992. We are specialized in the sector commonly identified as "Chassis" and our specialization keeps itself up-to-date thanks to the collaboration with important firms in the production sector.
The studio offers to work as partners with firms who don't intend to increase investments, costs and structure dimensions for activities which don't commit themselves continuously or that have professional contents difficult to trace on the market or even require a long time for training staff within the same firm.
Collaboration with "3V Progetti" offers the required flexibility and professionalism for all these suppositions.
Moreover we would like to emphasise that it s a well-established custom to give our fullest attention to the quality of the work we are entrusted with, working in an interactive way with clients in order to obtain the best possible results in terms of timeliness, accuracy zn in correspondence to technical requirements.